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Speech in Motion

HORSEPOWER offers a speech program using the movement of the horse, performed by our Speech Pathologist & Professor at UNCG, Perry Flynn. The horses movement is helpful in working with children with speech and language delays and disorders for many reasons.  The rider is working on therapy goals and objectives selected by a licensed occupational, physical or speech therapist.


During a session, the horses movement causes movement in the patient.  This movement is repeated each time the horse takes a step, which translates into opportunities to form a new motor pathway for speech and language development.


The horse’s walk provides sensory input through movement, which is variable, rhythmic, and repetitive. The sensory benefits of equine movement can last for hours, days following, or as little as 20 minutes.


The horses walking gait moves the human body in a similar pattern to the human pelvis while walking.  The therapist is able to facilitate increased trunk control, stability and breath support through the movement of the horse.  These functions support speech and language.  


Session includes one hour of classroom time and one hour in the arena. 


Do you know someone that would be a good fit for the program?​

Schedule your student interview today! 

contact Emily,

or call the office 336.931.1424 

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