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How do I get started volunteering?​

Schedule your tour today! 


Call the office 336.931.1424 

or Text our Volunteer Phone 336.897.5256



Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteer phone: 336.897.5256

Feel free to call or text for questions or to schedule your tours/trainings!

When you Volunteer - You make a difference!

We are so pleased you are interested in becoming a HORSEPOWER volunteer! It is because of your dedication and caring that many people with disabilities are able to participate in this unique and enriching program. In addition, we believe your life will be enhanced by your experiences at HORSEPOWER.

Volunteer Opportunities - Trainings - and More! 

  • Barn Team: Get "up close & personal" with our equine partners! Assist with bring-in and turn out, feeding, stall cleaning, and refilling water buckets. (Ages 13 & up, ages 13 with a parent)







  • ​Sidewalker: Helps the rider with balance and reinforces instructions during the lesson.  The sidewalker is constantly aware of the rider and is responsible for their safety when mounting, riding and in the arena. Additional training is required. (Ages 14 and older)








  • Leader: Responsible for leading the horse and rider, and must constantly be aware of the horse's behavior at all times:

    • pre-approval, additional training and horse experience required (Age 16 and up).

    • All leaders must be sidewalker trained. 

​​      Leader training consist of two parts:     

            -PART 1: Basic HORSEPOWER techniques and barn 


             -PART 2: Leading in classes with a rider!


  • Volunteer Ambassador: These folks are appointed by staff to help train new volunteers at orientation and during the session, helps coordinate volunteers for special events, and meets with the staff to evaluate the program from the volunteers’ point of view.

  • Community Outreach Assistant: Assist the volunteer coordinator by attending community outreach events and fundraisers. You will help hand out flyers and talk to people in the community to spread the word about HORSEPOWER

  • Assorted Services and Projects: Tack cleaning and repair, carpentry, electrical and plumbing services, poster design, and taking pictures are a few of the opportunities available.  Special workdays are held periodically and especially prior to a special event to spruce up the grounds and the horses.



More coming soon!​

Please email, or call/text 336.897.5256 to reserve your seat!


(Once you have completed your tour)  â€‹â€‹

Please email, or call/text 336.897.5256 to schedule your training!

Volunteer Dress Code


  • Closed toe shoes are a must

  • NO revealing or low neck tops

  • NO vulgar images/words on clothing

  • Shorts must FULLY cover rear end

  • NO baggy clothing- lots of things to get hung up on.

  • NO fragrances, perfumes, or essential oil


​​Mask are optional, but some parents have requested their child's team wear one when working with their child.

Administrative & Operational Opportunities

  • Fund Raising: Corporate Giving, Capital Campaigns, Clubs & Organizations, Horse Clubs, Foundations & Grants, Gifts In Kind, Special events

  • Long Range Planning: provide your insight and expertise to promote a successful program for the next decade by identifying special events, marketing and communications

  • Public Relations & Marketing – press releases, obtain media coverage, write proposals

  • Rider Recruitment: solicit new clients both individuals & organizations

  • Recruiting Other Volunteers: recruit for riding program, special events & office help

  • Office Help: mailers, databases, organization, data entry (seasonal)

  • Construction Projects: fencing, building sheds, painting

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