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Meet Swayze. She is eleven years old and has been at HORSEPOWER for a year and a half. Swayze loves animals of all kinds but especially horses. Riding is a great way for her to calm her anxiety. When she is on a horse, the day's stress just melts away. Riding isn’t the only thing Swayze enjoys about HORSEPOWER, she also likes interacting with the horses while she grooms them. Some days she is able to give the horses snacks and that is always a treat for her. Sensory issues are challenging for Swayze. Coming to HORSEPOWER once a week and experiencing the sights, sounds, and yes even the smells is a good thing. It helps to desensitize her in a way that nothing else could. The whole experience at HORSEPOWER is a wonderful opportunity for Swayze because she is learning how to commit time and effort to something that she can feel good about. She has made lasting friendships with the girls in her class as well as with her instructors. She often comments that the people who work/volunteer here are so kind. HORSEPOWER is a place where she can come and be herself and feel comfortable with who she is.

Swayze and All horses

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